September 4, 2009

26 weeks

New Happenings
-Preeclampsia scare. No worries folks, baby and I are fine, but we had a rough couple of days there. Very exciting/fun/convenient tests and three days of bed-rest during moving week. Lovely.
-To top-off the week appropriately, the preeclampsia scare was followed by a stomach flu. It got so bad I was shaking all the time and blacking out. Bright side? Pretty sure I lost those couple pounds that were not exactly baby. Not so bright side? I'm still working on rehydrating and baby didn't get his pre-nates and fish oil for a few days.

Things I learned this week
-Have I mentioned that Kimbal is amazing?! The poor guy started school, moved most of our stuff by himself, stressed about baby and me, AND nursed me back to health during my flu bug. I guess it's not really a new thing I learned, but it does help me realize- I'm so lucky.
-Preeclampsia is a nasty, nasty thing. All I knew going into this week was that the word preeclampsia is basically treated like a swearword in most of the pregnancy literature I've read. I hope I never have to deal with it in real life.
-I have a pretty awesome Dr. You should have seen the flurry of activity around us after my blood pressure was high. Nice to know she can take action like that.

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